The Disability After Dark Podcast was launched in September 2016, completely independently by Andrew Gurza. It is a podcast that shines a bright light on disability stories In 5 and a half years, the show has amassed over 400K downloads worldwide, with almost 300 episodes, and a variety of bonus episodes, it keeps going strong. It has been in the Top 100 Sexuality podcasts consistently in North America, and has received widespread positive reviews. New episodes are available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify every week. You can also pledge your support for the show, by heading over to and giving $1 a month for early episode access and bonus shows.
Podcast Clips I Have Guested On!
Dan Savage’s “Savage Lovecast” (January 2019)
In this clip, I offer advice to a phone in caller on Dan Savage’s “Savage Lovecast” and advocate for owning your disabled identity, and suggest that moving to a smaller town maybe a misstep in his search for companionship and partnership.
Telling my Mom I Work with Sex Workers on CBC’s Now or Never
In this clip on CBC’s Now or Never Podcast, I talk to my mom, Sher St. Kitts about sex and disability, why it’s important, and my decision to work with sex care workers. You’ll hear how telling her this has changed and strengthened our friendship and bond. Check out an article I wrote about the experience here.
Disability After Dark on CBC’s Podcast Playlist (January 2019)
Disability After Dark was featured on CBC’s Podcast Playlist, a radio show that features different podcasts each week. The show reaches 1.5M Canadians and more in the US! Disability After Dark was included in an episode that explores bodies. Enjoy this clip!